Junkie Dialoge

Luke Eriksson
3 min readMar 12, 2022

“Hey what’s up man glad to see you still in one piece”

“Yeah after you dipped down that alleyway the cop just kept running after me and I had to sprint for like a mile and a half before he couldn’t keep up anymore”

“Yeah man that’s fucked, fuck that pig. Why you wearing two different shoes?”

“Shit man my left sneaker fell the fuck apart yesterday after all that running, the sole straight up didn’t connect to the rest of the shoe anymore and I had to dump it. As luck would have it, I found this nice ass Nike running shoe on the side of the road in this east village neighborhood I ended up at over by Washington Square Park”

“Shit man that shit looks brand new, who the fuck leaves something like that on the street?”

“Probably some fuckin rich kid who was pissed that he didn’t get a pair of Jordans for Christmas”

“Yeah for real man. Well shit at least we can still get high”

“Well yeah so the shitty news is that the baggie fell out of my pocket when I was running”

“Bro please don’t tell me that you’re serious. That was all I had”

“Yeah dude I think that’s why the cop stopped chasing me is that he had to stop to pick it up”

“Man, I’m so fucking dopesick do you think we could go back to where you dropped it”

“Nah dude I saw the cop pick it up”

“Fuck you man you probably just pocked the shit. Thinkin ‘ohh C’s such a dumbass he’ll believe that I just lost five grams of skag and then I can keep it all for myself’ you know I fucking paid for that shit myself and you don’t even want to fucking know what I had to do to get the money”

“Fuck you C, how long we been boys? How long we had each other’s backs? And you think I would just screw you over like that?”

“Look man, all I know is that my bones feel like glass right now and I’m not turning another trick for some yuppie f*g just because you can’t learn to hold on to something that wasn’t even yours to begin with. You need to make this shit up to me like fuckin now or we gon have some serious problems”

“C you’re fuckin scaring me man, can you just like put that knife down and chill out for a second?”

“Tell me to chill out one more fuckin time and see what happens, bitch I fuckin DARE you”

“What do you want from me man you know I’m just as broke as you!”

“That Nike shoe is probably worth $200”

“Who the fuck is gunna buy a single shoe?”

“Imma call Zhao right now see if he can cut us a deal”

“You’re crazy dude, Zhao ain’t got time for that shit”

Ring ring

“Hey Zhao what’s up man it’s C, I’m here with Mike and he’s got this nice ass Nike running shoe we were thinking you might take for a little H.

Okay yeah I mean it is just the one shoe but it’s still mad nice like in great condition.

Yeah we found it near the wasp arch.

Dude no fuckin way! Yeah man we can meet you in 10. We’re up by Union Square Park right now.

Okay word”

“What happened?”

“Shit Mike you aren’t gunna believe this. Zhao was driving with his girl and they got in a fight and the bitch threw his shoe out the window as like a fuck you to him. It’s Zhao’s fuckin shoe man! He’s gunna hook us up with three grams as like a thank you for finding it”

“Ohh my god dude that is such good news”

“Man I’m sorry for coming at you like that earlier. You know I trust you I just got real hopeless and for a second there and kinda lashed out”

“It’s cool dude I’m just glad everything worked out”

“Such a beautiful day today”

